cake 앱 영어 회화 공부 8일차 A : you've got a baby on the way, bro. and you haven't done spit to take care of it. B : like you'd do any different? A : damn straight. B : how? Nobody's hiring. A : Sell your Xbox, Rob a bank. go all Robin Hood on this joint. Whatever it takes. All I ever hear is you whining and crying about how hard this is on you. What about her? B : Dude, you are so out of line. You don'..
You know, I'm just not... um.. that comfortable with guy who's as sensitive as you. That's fair Why do you think that is? You know, when I was growing up, My father was kind of a tough guy. As a kid, I wasn't the athlete I am now. Anyway, I always got the feeling he thought I was too sensitive. that must've been hard. It was hard. 그게 제가.. 음.. 당신같이 감성적인 남자를 대하기가 어려워서 그래요. 그럴 수 있죠. 왜 그런 것 같아요? 그게 ..
We're not ready to start your surprise.. You mean my surprise birthday party? Ah, I blew it. Why can't I keep a secret? Well, at least I didn't say anything about the chocolate raspberry cake. It's my favorite! 우리 아직 널 놀래킬 준비가 안됐는데... 내 깜짝 생일 파티 준비를 말하는거야? 아 내가 망쳐버렸다. 난 왜 이렇게 비밀을 못 지키지? 그래도 초콜릿 라즈베리 파이에 관해선 아무 얘기 안했으니깐. 내가 제일 좋아하는건데! I'm so glad you're here. Yeah, tell me about it. Thank you for..
What's the weather like? 날씨가 어때? A : What's the weather gonna be like this Saturday? B : The weather reporter said it was gonna be raining. A : I get the feeling that we should call off our trip. B : Boy! It totally slipped my mind. A : Don't tell me you were going to go alone behind my back. B : No way. I'll just go with the flow. 이번 주 토요일 날씨가 어떨 것같아? 일기예보에서 비 올거라고 했어 여행을 취소해야할 것 같은 느낌이 들어 이런! ..
Don't mention it 별말씀을 A : I got something for your birthday. B : A present for me? You shouldn't have! A : It's cold outside. I'll give you a ride home. B : Don't bother, but thanks anyway. A : Don't mention it. That's what friends are for. B : Something smells fishy. Just be yourself. 엑셀로 랜덤 영단어 암기장 만드는 법(개쉬움주의) 엑셀에서 지원하는 RAND함수를 이용하면 0이상 1미만의 실수를 반환해준다. 결..
Day 1 : Look who's here! 이게 누구야! A : Ryan! Look who's here! B : Good to see you. What a small world. A : Long time no see. How have you been? B : I'm doing great. You haven't changed a bit. A : Nice talking to you. Say hello to your wife. B : Catch you later. I'll keep in touch. 영어 랜덤 단어 암기장 만들기 엑셀로 랜덤 영단어 암기장 만드는 법(개쉬움주의) 엑셀에서 지원하는 RAND함수를 이용하면 0이상 1미만의 실수..