cake 앱 영어 회화 공부 10일차 A : I know how you feel. B : You do? A : Sure! My parents wanted me to be a lawer or doctor. But I wanted to be a florist. B : Really? A : My only interest is flowers. B : Our new queen was just selected with that same campaign slogan. A : Oh. A : 네 맘 알아. B : 진짜? A : 그래! 우리 부모님은 내가 변호사나 의사가 되길 바라셨어. 하지만 나는 꽃집 주인이 되고 싶었지. B : 정말? A : 내 유일한 관심사는 꽃이거든. B : 우리 새 여왕도 그거랑 같은 슬로건을 ..
Ellen asked to me to be her guest host today. She's taking the day off. I think She wanted to spend more time with some of her houses. And I get it. They grow up so fast, Don't they? I mean I don't wanna brag or anything, but... I am like either the 10th or maybe 11th person that Ellen asked to guest host her show. so this feels pretty special, I have to say. It's quite an honor. 엘런이 저에게 오늘 진행을 ..
You betrayed me. Now... I have my revenge. And this is where an enduring rivalry was born. Your grandmother's alive? You catch on quick. I'm famished. I have a lot on my mind. It's on me. You lost me. It's complimentary. 넌 날 배신했어. 이젠.. 내가 복수할 차례야. 그리고 바로 이곳이 긴 경쟁의 시작점이었죠. 너의 할머니가 살아계신다고? 눈치가 빠르네. 배고파 죽을 지경이야. 생각이 너무 많아요. 내가 낼게. 무슨 말인지 모르겠어. 이건 서비스예요. The important thing is that you just keep at ..