What's the weather like? 날씨가 어때? A : What's the weather gonna be like this Saturday? B : The weather reporter said it was gonna be raining. A : I get the feeling that we should call off our trip. B : Boy! It totally slipped my mind. A : Don't tell me you were going to go alone behind my back. B : No way. I'll just go with the flow. 이번 주 토요일 날씨가 어떨 것같아? 일기예보에서 비 올거라고 했어 여행을 취소해야할 것 같은 느낌이 들어 이런! ..
Don't mention it 별말씀을 A : I got something for your birthday. B : A present for me? You shouldn't have! A : It's cold outside. I'll give you a ride home. B : Don't bother, but thanks anyway. A : Don't mention it. That's what friends are for. B : Something smells fishy. Just be yourself. https://afterdawncoding.tistory.com/18 엑셀로 랜덤 영단어 암기장 만드는 법(개쉬움주의) 엑셀에서 지원하는 RAND함수를 이용하면 0이상 1미만의 실수를 반환해준다. 결..
Day 1 : Look who's here! 이게 누구야! A : Ryan! Look who's here! B : Good to see you. What a small world. A : Long time no see. How have you been? B : I'm doing great. You haven't changed a bit. A : Nice talking to you. Say hello to your wife. B : Catch you later. I'll keep in touch. https://afterdawncoding.tistory.com/18 영어 랜덤 단어 암기장 만들기 엑셀로 랜덤 영단어 암기장 만드는 법(개쉬움주의) 엑셀에서 지원하는 RAND함수를 이용하면 0이상 1미만의 실수..